Utrecht based artist Amerentske Koopman (1972) graduated at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht as an architect but is mainly active as a painter. Even during her studies she questioned the divide between visual art and architecture. She started to look for ways to intertwine these two disciplines. By approaching architecture from the unlimited possibilities of visual art her architectonic ideas and sketches seemed to lead to more complete concepts. Thereby she started to create spheric images, paintings, mosaics and objects portraying her ideal buildings. Her artistic work portrays floor plans in which different structures, textures, colours and lines define the image. Besides her paintings she also intertwines textiles and objects into her work creating dynamic installations that seem to be a 3-dimensional representation of her paintings.

For the bridge house at the Zaagmolenbrug Amerentske creates one of these installations, consisting of different materials and colours, inspired by the multifaceted architecture of the city.

30/10/21 – 05/02/22